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Sunday, May 11, 2008

*** Lesson 1a - "TH" - English Pronunciation by Jennifer from Boston,MA, USA.

FREE online pronunciation lesson with a native speaker. Lesson 1a topic: unvoiced "th". All levels

;) Jennifer, an amazing teacher, is my friend from Boston, MA, USA.
ESL/ EFL teacher since 1996
ESL/ EFL materials writer
experienced teacher trainer
B.A and M.A. degrees... She's also here to give us all her support in English.
Welcome Jennifer!!! ;)

*** Lesson 1b "TH" English Pronunciation by Jennifer from Boston, MA, USA.

FREE online pronunciation lesson with a native speaker. Lesson 1b topic: unvoiced "th". All levels.

;) Jennifer, an amazing teacher, is my friend from Boston, MA, USA.

ESL/ EFL teacher since 1996

ESL/ EFL materials writer

experienced teacher trainer

B.A and M.A. degrees... She's also here to give us all her support in English.

Welcome Jennifer!!! ;)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

*** Voiced "TH" Pronunciation by Jennifer from Boston,MA, USA.

;) Jennifer is my friend from Boston, MA, USA.
ESL/ EFL teacher since 1996
ESL/ EFL materials writer
experienced teacher trainer
B.A and M.A. degrees...
She's also here to give us all her support in English.
Welcome Jennifer!!! ;)

FREE online lesson with a native speaker. Lesson 2 topic: voiced "th". All levels.

*** #4 English Mini Lesson - Sneezing by Jennifer ESL from Boston, MA, United States

Jennifer is my friend from Boston, MA, USA.

ESL/ EFL teacher since 1996

ESL/ EFL materials writer

experienced teacher trainer

B.A and M.A. degrees...

She's also here to give us all her support in English.

Welcome Jennifer!!! ;)

Friday, May 02, 2008



Em inglês, o diminutivo é formado pela colocação de adjetivos como small, little, tiny e minute antes dos substantivos. Exemplos small town, little boy, tiny fingers, minute writing, etc.

Muitas vezes encontramos substantivos próprios no diminutivo, para transmitir afeição. exemplos Little Richard, Little Suzy. (Observe que, neste caso, o adjetivo little é escrito com letra maiúscula.)

São muito poucos os substantivos cujo grau diminutivo é realmente formado por flexão, ou seja, pelo acréscimo de um sufixo -let / -kin são os mais conhecidos, como em booklet, leaflet, piglet, winglet, lambkin.

O aumentativo é formado apenas pela colocação de adjetivos como big, huge, great, enormous, large e massive (não existem sufixos para tal). Exemplos big house, huge amount, great redwoods, enormous effort, large trees, massive increase, etc.