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Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Traduções - Resumos
Friday, November 26, 2010
ENC: Merry Xmas - Feliz Natal
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| Quero neste Natal | |
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Edital Seleção Professor de Idiomas Senac Mossoró-RN NOVEMBRO/2010
De acordo com a resolução 885/2009, que estabelece normas do processo seletivo para contratação de colaboradores do Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial - SENAC, declaramos aberto processo de recrutamento e seleção, conforme edital.
O Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial - SENAC representado pela sua Administração Regional no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, torna público, para o conhecimento de quantos possam interessar, que fará acontecer recrutamento de profissionais, objetivando realização de processo seletivo de Docentes para lecionar INGLÊS na Unidade do SENAC Mossoró. Perfil dos candidatos: Possuir formação específica na área de atuação; ter conhecimento de didática; ter habilidade em mediação de conhecimento e comportamentos; ter comunicação clara e objetiva; ter bom relacionamento interpessoal e experiência em atividade de docência. Entrega de currículos através do, com a indicação do cargo pretendido no título do e-mail, endereçado ao Núcleo de Desenvolvimento de Pessoas do SENAC AR/RN, ou diretamente na Unidade do SENAC em Mossoró. O processo será regido pela Resolução 885/2009, de 01 de julho de 2009, publicada em 27 de maio de 2009, páginas 02 a 06, e sob as condições estabelecidas na referida resolução. PERÍODO DE APRESENTAÇÃO DOS CURRÍCULOS: De 22 a 26 de Novembro 2010. Natal, Novembro de 2010. Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial - SENAC/RN Núcleo de Desenvolvimento de Pessoas
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Kaliane diz:
olha o poema vou igitar um os poemas p vc ver
Amigo é coisa pra se guardar no lado esquerdo do peito, dentro do coração... diz:
Meire Kaliane diz:
Se eu não o abraçar
Não me julgue fria.
É q o seu abraço já ñ me traz alegria.
Se eu ñ souber mais
fazer-te um carinho,
Ñ me julgue fria
É q já ñ existe
Aquela mesma emoção q existia.
Ñ me julgue fria
Quan o eu recusar o seu beijo.
Apren a a aceitar.
Pois eu já ñ tenho
Por ele, o mínimo esejho.
Oséias Alves - SENAC Mossoró-RN | diz:
Adorei e já estou publicando no meu weblog agora mesmo! Bjus e sucesso Meire Kaliane Visite
Parabéns por mais um livro publicado! Estarei comprando o meu e SUCESSO!!!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Chatting on Facebook is the fastest way to communicate on the world’s largest social networking website. And to make it even more faster we have started using abbreviations of words we write. Most of them are the commonly used short forms and everyone must be familiar with it. But sometimes other person uses such abbreviations which you might not be familiar with. So just update your mind’s dictionary with the list given below.
- ASAP: As Soon As Possible
- ASL: Age/ Sex/ Location
- B4: Before
- B4U: Before You
- BRB: Be Right Back
- BTW: By The Way
- B/W: Between
- Cuz: Because (most commonly used on FacebooKnol as well )
- FYI: For Your Info
- FB: Facebook
- GM: Good Morning
- GN: Good Night
- GNASD: Good Night and Sweet Dreams
- IDK: I don’t Know
- IM: Instant Message
- JK: Just Kidding
- K: Okay
- L8: Late
- LOL: Laugh out Loud
- LMAO: Laugh my ass of
- LMFAO: Laugh my f**king ass off
- LMK: Let Me Know
- L8r: Later
- M/F? : Male or Female?
- Msg: Message
- Pls: Please
- Plz: Please
- PM me: Private Message me (send me a Private Message)
- Ppl: People
- r: are
- Rly: Reply (can also be used Really)
- SD: Sweet Dreams
- tht: that
- Thx: Thanks
- Tnx: Thanks
- Txt: Text
- TY: Thank You
- Ttly: Talk to you later
- u: you
- ur: your
- u’ll: you will
- wtf: What the f**k
- wth: What the hell
- zzz: Sleeping
This is a list of commonly used abbreviations and there are thousands of such abbreviations used while chatting. Obviously we can’t post all of them here and it’s of no use either cuz it’s of no use and it confuses the other person while chatting. But chatting by using these given short forms makes it really short and cool as well. We have a list of some hidden Facebook smileys too. Subscribe to updates of this blog via e-mail to get it first
I hope u r gettin me, do tell us wht do u think
Answering Letters
A/M - Answers most
A/O - Answers only
A/S - Answer some
EMS - E-mail soon
IRC - International reply coupon (you can send them to your Non-USA pals, they are gift certificates for postage stamps, you can get them at larger post offices)
Writing Letters
LL - Long letter
LLP - Long letter pals
LLO - Long letters only
SL - Short Letter
Mail Terms
LSASE - Long self addressed stamped envelopePC - Post card
SASE-Self Addressed Stamped Envelope
Small Flat Rate - Small shipping box from Post Office
Stamps Back - game some play where they mail you something and want their stamps sent back to them
Swap Items
Deco - Decorated FB
SLAM - question/game FB
Lyric - Music Lyric FB
Quotes- Quotes FB
Bags- are actually envelopes. These are games. [sticker bag, label bag, used postage bag, fb bag, postcard bag, surprise bag]
Viewcards- these are postcards with a 'View' of your town/city/country
FB - Friendship book
Chains - Chain letter games, can be snailmail paper or email
Excess - any extra items you have to pass on i.e. fbs, decos, chains, bags, etc..
Penpal Information
To include on your Label
NNPP - No new pen pals
No chains - Do not send chain letters
NPW - New pals wanted
SNNP - Sorry no new pals
SWA - Swaps with all
SNNS - sorry no new swappers
DOB - date of birth
WA- Wedding anniversary
BD- birthdate
USA only - swaps USA only
WW - swaps World-wide
No cons - No prisoners/ex cons
No Men - do not want to correspond/swap with men
Females Only - only want to correspond/swap with women
Moms Only - only want to correspond/swap with moms
No Religion - does not want any religious correspondance
Sample Label
Chat Information
BBFN - Bye-bye for nowDB-Dear Boyfriend
DD-Dear Daughter
DH - Dear Husband
DS-Dear Son
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing
TTFN - Ta ta for now
Friday, August 06, 2010
Sl@ng = Gírias
Chill out: Fique frio!
"I met many amigos at Dave's ESL Cafe."
"Help! We're completely out of ammunition!"
"I'm going to need a lot of antifreeze tonight!"
"This cheap motel is an absolute armpit!"
"I fell on my ass on the ski slopes."
"I cannot be friends when you act like an ass."
"Dave's ESL Cafe is truly awesome!"
"Dave Sperling was born in 1961, so he's considered a baby boomer."
"I really had a ball in Dave's ESL class."
"After getting kicked in the balls, his voice seemed much higher."
"Disneyland is really a bang!"
"Japanese sake really has a bang!"
"My dog barfed all over the carpet."
"Don't step on the barf!"
"That restaurant was a real barf-out."
"Has Dennis really taught a bazillion students?"
"Do you wanna play b-ball with me?"
"I've worked for this company for ten years, but I still don't have beans."
"I'm really beat because I was awake all night."
"He wants to buy a beemer when he makes more money."
"I was hoping to get my homework completed, but it's no biggie. "
"Dave used to be a biker until he got into a serious motorcycle accident."
"My boss can be such a bitch sometimes."
"Stop bitching and finish your homework!"
"I like my friend Steve, even though he can be really bitchy."
"Stalone has a great bod!"
"If Dave works too hard, he sometimes goes slightly bonkers!"
"I made a booboo on the last question of the exam."
"Benjamin is always in front of the boob tube."
"The ESL party was fun, even though there wasn't any booze."
"Dave's ESL Cafe is totally boss!"
"Can I borrow some bread?"
"Every morning Dave needs a fresh cup of brew."
"Do you want another brew, dude?"
"I love drinking brewskies!"
"I'm tired of listening to your B.S."
"That's a bunch of bull!"
"I don't like people that bullshit me"
"Don't stare at my buns!"
"I'm completely bushed."
"Stop sitting on your butt and help me wash the dishes!"
"Let's go to the beach and catch some rays."
"Why are you wearing such cheesy clothes?"
"Don't be such a chicken!"
"Dave's ESL Cafe is totally cool!"
"If you drink and drive, you'll end up spending time in the cooler."
"Why did I have to marry such a couch potato?"
"My furniture is a bunch of cheap crap."
"Yuck! I stepped on dog crap!"
"I've had enough of your crap."
"His wife almost decked him when he returned home with lipstick on his shirt."
"Gambling is a dicey occupation."
"I wish I had more dinero!"
"My ex-boyfriend was dirt."
"Stop looking at the pictures in that dirty magazine!"
"If you keep acting so dorky, you'll never get a girlfriend!"
"That's really cool, dude!"
"Dave gave a dynamite presentation."
"I'd love to surf the Net, but unfortunately my computer is a dinosaur."
"Since I don't make much money, I always purchase the el cheapo brand."
"Your car is really evil!"
"Dave eyeballed his daughter's new boyfriend."
"Wow, that girl is truly an eyepopper!"
"Dave's ESL Cafe is really fab!"
"I think it's time we had a face-off."
"It's embarrassing to fart on the first date."
"This morning I had a fender-bender on the Ventura Freeway."
"I waited four hours for my flaky friend to show up."
"In Little Tokyo I had a flashback to my days living in Japan."
"Let's go out tonight and watch a flick."
"Is it true that Dave is a fox?"
"My trip to New York was a freebie."
"Dave's dog is always trying to French kiss him!"
"Bill Gates is kind of a geek."
"Sorry, but I just don't get it."
"Let's get naked tonight!"
"There must be a glitch in this softwware."
"This project is causing me to go bananas!"
"Stop acting like a gomer!"
"What a goof you are!"
I really goofed on the test today."
"Stop goofing off and help me clean the house!"
"A goof-off never does well in school"
"Oh no! I really goofed up!"
"Kids always make me feel goofy!"
"Have you washed your grabbers, Benjamin?"
"He's making over a hundred grand a year!"
"Have you ever smoked grass?"
"Where's the grub?!"
"I always feel grubby in the morning."
"Grungy people are not allowed in Dave's house!"
"Dave is getting a big gut because he loves chocolate ice cream and beer!"
"It took a lot of guts to ask his boss for a raise."
"Let's get to the guts of Dave Sperling!"
"The steep and windy road was really hairy."
"Hang a left at the next corner."