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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Being Confused or Distracted

Being Confused or Distracted

Reference: McLAY, Vera. Idioms 1 (1990). Canadian Government Publishing Centre. Section 2.


1. Slipped my mind

Escaped my memory; I forgot (it)
"O.K. guys, we're off. Red Lake here we come."
"I hope we didn't forget anything important. Did you remember to pick up the booze, Jack?"
"Oh no. It completely slipped my mind."
"Are you crazy? How could you forget the most important thing for a fishing trip?"
"It's not too late. Where's the nearest liquor store?"

2. I haven't got a clue

I have absolutely no idea
"Tom, what's the capital of Yugoslavia?"
"Don't ask me. I haven't got a clue. You know I'm hopeless at geography."

3- Can't make heads or tails of

I can't understand them
"Have you managed to assemble the bookcases yet?"
"I'm afraid not. I've been studying the plans for the last hour but I can't make heads or tails of them. I read the French instructions too, but that confused me event more."
"Let me have a look. Two heads are better than one."

4- On the tip of my tongue

Something I can almost remember
"Quick. Terry. What's the name of the guy who gave the talk at this morning's session?"
"Gee, let me see. It's an unusual name - Polish I think. Kowalski? No it's not that, but it's close. That's annoying. It's on the tip of my tongue but I just can't get it out. "
"Oh-oh! He's coming over here, and I want to ask him to give a talk at our next training session. It looks bad if I can't remember his name."

5- Don't know which end is up

Am totally confused
What's up, Joe? Your door is always closed. I've been trying to get in to see you for two days.
"It's this new computerized, financial information system. For the last two days I've been studying the print-outs until my head's spinning and I still can't understand them. I'm thoroughly confused. In fact I don't know which end is up anymore."
"I know what you mean. Computer print-outs do the same to me."

6- Beats me

I am uncertain; I don't understand it
"How come the new photocopier isn't working?"
"Don't know. (It) beats me.
The repairman just left fifteen minutes ago and said it was working fine."
"I know how to make it work. How about plugging it in."

7- I've lost my train of thought

I forgot the idea I was talking about
(Mary and Alice)
Mary: "What we really need is a new approach to work. I was thinking ..."
Jack: "Hi Mary. Did you have a nice weekend?"
Mary: "Not bad! And yourself?"
Jack: "Can't complain. Can't complain."
Alice: "What were you going to say?"
Mary: "I can't remember. With Jack interrupting me, I've lost my train of thought ."

8- Raking my brains

I've been thinking hard
"What are you scratching your head for?"
"I've been raking my brains all morning trying to remember the name of the company that gave that course in Transactional Analysis. I know it's a Toronto company and the name's on the tip of my tongue but I just can't remember it."
"Why don't you look it up in the files?"
"'Cause I can't remember what I filed it under."

9- Couldn't get a word in edgewise

Didn't have a chance to say anything
"Well, did the boss approve your request for extra man-years?"
"Are you kidding? The minute I hinted at extra staff he started talking about budget restrictions, man-year cutbacks, overspending in other sections - he went on and on for at least an hour. I tried to interrupt a couple of times but I couldn't get a word in edgewise. After a while I just gave up and left."

10- Are over my head

Are too difficult for me
"How's your computer course going?"
"I'm not really sure, to tell you the truth."
"What do you mean, you're not sure?"
"Well, I understand the manuals - at least I think I do - but I don't understand half of what the prof talks about. He uses too many technical words. I'm afraid his lectures are over my head. Maybe I should have taken the introductory course."

Sunday, October 16, 2011



Add a few ones you may know. Use the COMMENT option to ADD new ones. AND SHARE IT ALL OVER THE WORLD. Thx in advance!

A/A - Answers all
A/M - Answers most
A/O - Answers only
A/S - Answer some
Addy - Address
BBFN - Bye-bye for now
BD - Birth date
DOB - Date of birth
FB - Friendship book
EMS - E-mail soon
IRC - International reply coupon (you can send them to your Non-USA pals, they are gift certificates for postage stamps, you can get them at larger post offices, just ask!)
ICR - I can return (people who are willing to return the full fb home)
LL - Long letter
LLP - Long letter pals
LLO - Long letters only
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
LSASE - Long self addressed stamped envelope
NNPP - No new pen pals
No chains - Do not send chain letters
NPW - New pals wanted
PC - Post card
ROFL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing
SNNP - Sorry no new pals
SWA - Swaps with all
SS - Swap soon (referring to swapping fbs, slams or crams)
SASE - Self addressed stamped envelope
T/C - Take care
TTFN - Ta ta for now
TTYL - Talk to you later
VP - View card (another name for post card)
W/A - Wedding anniversary
W/B - Write back / Welcome Back
W/S - Write soon
W/W - Worldwide
WBSP - Write Back Soon Please

Internet Abbreviations

Internet Terms
Say what?
We have all being in that position where you’re chatting with someone and they use an abbreviation or acronym that you’re not familiar with. Well here’s a nice long list of messaging and txt abbreviations, with these tips you’ll never be lost in the conversation:
ASAP – As Soon As Possible
A/S/L – Age/Sex/Location
ATM – At The Moment
B/F – Boyfriend
B4 – Before
B4N – Bye For Now
BF – Best Friend
BFF – Best Friends Forever
BRB – Be Right Back
BTW – By The Way OR Between
D/L – Download -or- Down Low
FYEO – For Your Eyes Only
FYI – For Your Information
G/F – Girlfriend
GB – Goodbye
GL – Good Luck
GR8 – Great
HAGS – Have A Great Summer
IC – I See
IDK – I Don’t Know
IYM – In your mind
IM – Instant Message
IMHO – In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO – In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO – In My Opinion
IRC – Instant Relay Chat
JK – Just Kidding
L8 – Later
L8R – Later
LMAO – Laughing My Ass Off
LMBO – Laughing My Butt Off
LOL – Laughing out Loud
LTNS – Long Time No See
LWKM – Laff wan kill me
LWKMD – Laff wan kill me die
M8 – Mate
MYOB – Mind Your Own Business
NP – No Problem
OMG – Oh My God
OTW – Off To work
PLZ – Please
PPL – People
ROTFL – Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROTFLMAO – Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off
STR8 – Straight
STFU – Shut the F#@k up
THX – Thanks
TMI – Too Much Information
TTYL – Talk To You Later
UL – Upload
WB – Welcome Back
WK – Weekend
WTF – What The F&@#?
WTG – Way To Go
WWJD – What would Jesus do?
X – kiss
XX – kisses or hugs
XOXO – Hugs and kisses
Zzzz – Sleep or boring
:|- Straight Face
:\ –  Confused
:’( – Crying
:( – Sad
:) – Smiling/Happy
;) – Wink
:D – Big Smile
:x –  Lips are Sealed
X_X  - Can’t Watch
:o  -  Surprised

Thanks to the new exciting planet called Twitter we have a few new abbreviations/emoticons.

¯\..(•͡.̮ •͡ )../¯  – Shrug
( -̩̩̩͡˛ -̩̩̩͡ ) – weeping
><(((:> – Fish
(•͡.̮ •͡) – Side Eye
__/ – The Chair
@______ – The Bed
\%/- Sprite
(♥_♥) – Love Struck
(//_O) – Ela
(•±•) – Yimu