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Monday, June 25, 2012




Sunday, June 24, 2012

Katy Perry Eric Berlanger / Splash News
Some people wear their heart on their sleeve. Katy Perry seems to be wearing hers on her hair.
Just hours after tweeting out congratulations for her in-absentia People's Choice Award wins, the pop superstar seemingly emerged from her self-imposed seclusion for the first time since Russell Brand filed for divorce last month.
And there was something different about her...oh, yeah: blue hair!
Katy's tresses have been on quite the transformation in the past year, going from black to pink to blond to pinky-blond to lavender, so it was probably only a matter of time before she returned to her blue hue.
In full makeup and wearing a star-spangled Adidas tracksuit, Katy graciously posed for a snap with fan Eric Berlanga, who purportedly caught up with the star in Santa Barbara, Calif., where she was leaving the set of a commercial for the sportswear company.
And while her hair was blue, her mood was reportedly anything but.
MORE: Katy's pastor dad "sorry" for anti-Semitic remarks
Berlanga told The Sun that Perry "was great, really nice, she seemed happy." And apparently had quite a good memory, remembering the fan from previous encounters.
"She was in a van and saw me. I waved and she made the driver of the van stop and she lowered the window and I went up to her and she put out her hand and said: 'Hey it's good to see you again!'
"I said the same and then I asked if I could take a picture with her and she said yes and got out of the van and gave me a hug and told me I smell good, then we took the two pictures."
Not exactly fireworks, but it'll do. Welcome back, Katy—here's hoping we start seeing more of you again!

Reported Speech


If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker’s exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. The structure is a little different depending on whether you want to transform a statement, question or request.


When transforming statements, check whether you have to change:
  • pronouns
  • present tense verbs (3rd person singular)
  • place and time expressions
  • tenses (backshift)
direct speech“I speak English.”
reported speech
(no backshift)
He says that he speaks English.
reported speech
He said that he spoke English.


When transforming questions, check whether you have to change:
  • pronouns
  • present tense verbs (3rd person singular)
  • place and time expressions
  • tenses (backshift)
Also note that you have to:
  • transform the question into an indirect question
  • use the interrogative or if / whether
with interrogativedirect speech“Why don’t you speak English?”
reported speechHe asked me why I didn’t speak English.
without interrogativedirect speech“Do you speak English?”
reported speechHe asked me whether / if I spoke English.


When transforming questions, check whether you have to change:
  • pronouns
  • place and time expressions
direct speech“Carol, speak English.“
reported speechHe told Carol to speak English.

Additional Information and Exeptions

Apart from the above mentioned basic rules, there are further aspects that you should keep in mind, for example:
  • main clauses connected with and / but
  • tense of the introductory clause
  • reported speech for difficult tenses
  • exeptions for backshift
  • requests with mustshouldought to and let’s

Exercises on Reported Speech

Statements in Reported Speech

Questions in Reported Speech

Requests in Reported Speech

Mixed Exercises on Reported Speech

Grammar in Texts

Reported speech
We use reported speech when we are saying what other people say, think or believe.
  • He says he wants it.
  • We think you are right.
  • I believe he loves her.
  • Yesterday you said you didn't like it but now you do!
  • She told me he had asked her to marry him.
  • I told you she was ill.
  • We thought he was in Australia.
When we are reporting things in the present, future or present perfect we don't change the tense.
  • He thinks he loves her.
  • I'll tell her you are coming.
  • He has said he'll do it.
When we tell people what someone has said in the past, we generally make the tense 'more in the past'.
  • You look very nice. = I told him he looked very nice.
  • He's working in Siberia now. = She told me he was working in Siberia now.
  • Polly has bought a new car. = She said Polly had bought a new car.
  • Jo can't come for the weekend. = She said Jo couldn't come for the weekend.
  • Paul called and left a message. = He told me Paul had called and had left me a message.
  • I'll give you a hand. = He said he would give me a hand.
However, when we are reporting something that was said in the past but is still true, it is not obligatory to make the tense 'more in the past'. The choice is up to the speaker. For example:
"The train doesn't stop here."
  • He said the train doesn't stop here.
  • He said the train didn't stop here.
"I like Sarah."
  • She said she likes Sarah.
  • She said she liked Sarah.
When we are reporting what was said, we sometimes have to change other words in the sentence.
We have to change the pronoun if we are reporting what someone else said. Compare these two sentences. In each case the person actually said "I don't want to go."
  • I said I didn't want to go.
  • Bill said he didn't want to go.
We have to change words referring to 'here and now' if we are reporting what was said in a different place or time.
Compare these two sentences. In each case the person actually said "I'll be there at ten tomorrow."
  • (If it is later the same day) He said he would be there at ten tomorrow.
  • (If it is the next day) He said he would be there at ten today.
Now compare these two sentences.
  • (If we are in a different place) He said he would be there tomorrow at ten.
  • (If we are in the place he is coming to) He said he would be here at ten tomorrow.
exercise 2

Usamos "Reported Speech" (discurso indireto) para relatar o que aconteceu em um diálogo, sem qure precisemos usar aspas ou fazer sitações.
O "Reported Speech" faz com que o texto fique mais bonito, organizado e fácil de ler.

Ex.: Direct Speech --> He said: "I don't want to go to school."
Reported Speech --> He said he didn't want to go to school.

Para relatar uma frase que foi dita por alguém no passado, usamos um verbo introdutório, como say, tell, explain, em sua forma no passado (said, told, explained), e depois a frase dita, com as devidas alterações de acordo com a tabela abaixo:
Direct SpeechReported SpeechExample
Simple PresentSimple PastHe said: "I want some oranges."
He said he wanted some oranges.
Present ContinuousPast ContinuousThey said: "We are studying hard."
They said they were studying hard.
Simple PastPast PerfectShe said: "I needed you, but uou weren't here."
She said she had needed him, but he hadn't beenthere.
Past ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousTom said: "I was talking to Mary."
Tom said he had been talking to Mary.
Present PerfectPast PerfectThey said: "We've worked together."
They said they had worked together.
Going to- Futurewas/were going to.I said: "I'm going to visit Jim"!
I said I was going to visit Jim"
MustHad to*She told me: "I must hurry up."
She told me she had to hurry up.
Pronomes Pessoais, Pronomes Objetivos, Pronomes e Adjetivos Possessivos devem ser trocados de acordo com o contexto da frase:
Ex.: "I will call my father", said Angela. --> Angela said she would call her father.
Inglês - Brasil Escola

Reported Speech

Another grammar lesson in our blog: Reported Speech.

Reported statements: Explanation and exercises.
Reported questions: Explanation and exercises.

Reported speech: Explanation and exercises.
Reported statements: Explanation and exercises.
Reported questions: Explanation and exercises.
Reported requests: Explanation and exercises.
Reported speech: Additional information and exceptions.

Mixed Exercise I
Mixed Exercise II

Sunday, June 10, 2012


A gatuxa KAROL MISA nos disse está querendo muito achar sombras neon/FLUOR e não sabe onde encontrar, por isso nos pediu dicas de marcas e lugares. E vocês sabem, pedido feito é pedido atendido!

Pesquisei por aí e vi que a mais famosa das marcas de sombras flúor é a Catharine Hill, já que as sombras dela são neon meesssmooo, inclusive vi vários tutoriais nos blogs com estas sombrinhas.
No site tem o endereço com todos pontos de venda no Brasil.
É só clicar no link para conferir:


Boas opções, também,  são as sombras NYX, que vende pigmentos com cores super coloridas. Porém, outro produto que é muito usado para fazer o make flúor, é o Lápis Jumbo que é usado como sombra.


Uma última opção para quem não conseguir encontrar essas duas marcas acima, é a YES Cosmetics, que também possui sombras bem coloridas, não chegam a ser neon como as das outras, mas já dá para colorir o make.
A YES possui loja virtual, o que já ajuda bastante não é mesmo?


Quero ver você arrasando no flúor hein KAROL MISA?!! rs

Monday, June 04, 2012



The Festa Junina are festivities that take place in June in Brazil and are extremely popular throughout the country and among all social classes. Originally called joanina from São João, they celebrate the Catholic Saints:
Santo Antônio – Saint Anthony – 13th June
São João – Saint John – 24th June
São Pedro – Saint Peter – 29th June
The church fair, usually with a charity bazaar, is called a quermesse. The festivities also celebrate rural life and feature typical dress, food and dance. They usually take place in a large open space outdoors called an arraial and people dress up as farmers, or country folk (caipira) with straw hats and checked shirts or dresses. São João celebrates marriage, so couples dance a kind of square dance called a quadrilha which features a mock wedding with the bride and groom. June is the time of the corn harvest, so special dishes are prepared made with corn. Canjica is made from grated corn and coconut, boiled with water, milk, sugar and cinnamon. Pamonha is a sweet concoction of corn paste which is rolled and baked in fresh cornhusks. Pinhão, an edible pine seed is also very popular. A typical drink is the quentão. As the name suggests, this is a hot alcoholic drink with ginger and usually cachaça – a kind of rum made from sugar cane and commonly known as pinga. Bonfires and firework displays are also important features of these colourful two-week celebrations.