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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The dialogue between Kate Perry and Júlio from Sorocaba, Brazil.

K: Olá. Oh my goodness. What's your name?
J: Júlio.
K: Julian?
J: Juliooohh.
K:Where are you from in Brazil, darling?
J: Sorocaba.
K: Sorocabaaaa. Listen I came [...] from America?
J: What?
K: I came from America. California [...].
J: I love America.
K: You love America? It's good. Now look you are a such a nice boy. I think... oops welcome! If you wanna look over there, I've got a special present for you ... for being so praised tonight. There see... [kiss]
K: Me, me... Was that fun? Fun, good? Get off of my stage now.

A tradução fica por sua conta…. ;)

Observe que ela utilizou a entonação ao invés do AUXILIAR para fazer as perguntas.

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