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Monday, May 21, 2012

May 2012 ELT Event - NATAL-RN

May 2012 ELT Event

Dear BRAZ-TESOL friends,
I am delighted to announce our May 2012 event in Natal:
Beyond Formulas, Towards Results
DATE | 26 May 2012
VENUE | FACULDADE MAURÍCIO DE NASSAU | Avenida Engenheiro Roberto Freire, 1514 – Capim Macio, Natal – RN, 59080-400 | (84) 3344-7800| | Google Maps:
14:00 – 14:15  Opening (Room 114)
14:15 – 15:05  Plenary – Promoting individual attention within large groups (Room 114)
15:05 – 15:30  Break
15:30 – 16:30  Concurrent Workshops (Rooms 112 & 113)
16:30 – 17:30  Plenary – Beyond formulas, towards results. (Room 114)
17:30 – 17:50  Closing & Raffle (Room 114)
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PLENARY | Eduardo Santos
Promoting individual attention within large groups. (Room 114)
Teaching English to large groups may sometimes lead to the lack of learner’s individual attention. Is it possible to address the needs of individual students and still keep the others engaged in the lesson? This talk aims at discussing key issues suggested by the Demand-High Teaching movement and identified in my own classroom observations.
Eduardo Santos (BA in Languages, UFPE) has been working in the ELT industry for over 10 years. He worked for private language institutions and OUP in the past. He is now a freelance academic consultant and teacher trainer based in Recife. Eduardo is currently completing the Cambridge DELTA.
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The power of body language in the EFL Classroom (Room 112) | Ana Beatriz M. M. Guilherme & Teresinha Iris Viana
The purpose of this workshop is to show the importance of body language in the process of teaching and learning. Participants will have access to specific information about the use of body language as a natural process of communication and will take part in a variety of simple activities for children, adolescents and adults that can supplement their classes in a fun, interactive way.
Ana Beatriz M. M. Guilherme is a language teacher and director of ProEnglish. She is currently completing a lato sensu postgraduate programme in ELT at Universidade Potiguar. Beatriz is also the current vice-president of the BRAZ-TESOL Natal chapter.
Teresinha Iris Viana is an experienced language teacher having worked with learners of various levels and age ranges. She is currently teaching at ProEnglish.
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Assessing free-speaking activities (Room 113) | Dyêgo Saraiva & Patrícia Guedes
In this workshop participants reflect upon a range of different free-speaking activities according to specific criteria as proposed in a training course developed by ELT author Scott Thornbury. Participants will experience a speaking activity, will reflect upon criteria for assessing such activities and will be encouraged to apply these criteria for a range of speaking activities.
Dyêgo Saraiva holds a degree in Letras from UFRN (2007) and is a CELTA certified teacher. He also holds a lato sensu postgraduate degree in ELT from UFRN.
Patrícia Guedes has 10 years of experience in English teaching and holds the ICELT. She is currently pursuing a degree in Letras at UFRN.
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PLENARY | Steve Barlow
Beyond formulas, towards results (Room 114)
One of the ways of interpreting the history of English teaching is to see it through the lens of trends, methods and approaches: which have been in vogue at which point in time? These trends often reflect radically different views of language and language teaching.
This presentation will try to give participants a bird’s-eye view of the most significant approaches over the last decades and suggest what we have learnt from the experience of embracing these trends. Even though we appear to be lacking an all-encompassing method in contemporary teaching, everyday choices we make while we are teaching may well be a result of the beliefs that our predecessors had in choosing method A over method B. As a result, various researchers appear to have reached consensus views of what can be considered sound, present-day classroom practice. The main focus of this  presentation will be on the implications of these views, and participants will be asked to reflect if they  are relevant to their everyday teaching.
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To register, please send your name, phone number and institution to by 25 May, 2012 (Friday). This is a free event and we have a limited number of seats, so we are forced to operate on a first-come first-serve basis (as soon as we reach the maximum number of participants, registrations will close).
For further information, please contact Ercília Dâmaris at
All the very best,
Fernando Guarany Jr
“The more we are, the stronger we become”

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