1   Quando o verbo na oração principal estiver na afirmativa, o verbo na question tag é normalmente empregue na negativa:

Exemplo:   It's easy, isn't it?

  2   Quando o verbo na oração principal é be, emprega-se o mesmo na question tag:

I'm late, aren't I? (1)Estou atrasado, não estou?
You're sick, aren't you?Estás doente, não estás?
He's angry, isn't he?Ele está zangado, não está?
It's hot, isn't it?Está calor, não está?
They're tall, aren't they?São altos, não são?
I was late, wasn't I?Estive atrasado, não estive?
You were there, weren't you?Estiveste lá, não estiveste?
He was here, wasn't he?Ele esteve aqui, não esteve?
It was cold, wasn't it?Estava frio, não estava?
They were here, weren't they?Estiveram aqui, não estiveram?

(1) note a diferença entre os dois verbos (am, are) na 1ª pessoa do singular - aqui é uma excepção

  3   Quando o verbo na oração principal é there+be, emprega-se o mesmo na question tag (mas em forma invertida):

There's a lot of hunger in the world, isn't there?Há muita fome no mundo, não há?
There are a lot of people, aren't there?Está muita gente, não está?
There was something wrong, wasn't there?Houve alguma coisa de errado, não houve?
There were a lot of people, weren't there?Estavam muitas pessoas, não estavam?

  4   Quando o verbo na oração principal é precedido por um verbo auxiliar, emprega-se este último na question tag:

You're joking, aren't you?Estás a brincar, não estás?
She can swim, can't she?Ela sabe nadar, não sabe?
He'll be here, won't he?Ele estará cá, não estará?
He has finished, hasn't he?Ele acabou, não acabou?
You would do it, wouldn't you?Tu farias, não farias?
There has been a lot of rain, hasn't there?Tem caido muita chuva, não tem?

  5   Quando o verbo na oração principal é precedido por mais que um verbo auxiliar, emprega-se sempre o primeiro dos auxiliares na question tag:

He's going to do it, isn't he?Ele vai fazê-lo, não vai?
You've been running, haven't you?Estiveste a correr, não estiveste?

  6   Quando o verbo (2) na oração principal não é precedido por um verbo auxiliar, emprega-se do, does ou did na question tag:

You remember, don't you?Lembras-te, não te lembras?
She likes it, doesn't she?Ela gosta, não gosta?
They saw him, didn't they?Eles viram-no, não viram?

(2) excepto be e there+be

Question Tags

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.
  1. You're coming to the party, ___?
    a. aren't you
    b. isn't you
    c. shouldn't you
  2. It wasn't very difficult, ___?
    a. wasn't it
    b. isn't it
    c. was it
  3. Tom is getting something for Sue, ___?
    a. wasn't he
    b. isn't he
    c. was he
  4. It won't be anything expensive, ___?
    a. won't it
    b. isn't it
    c. will it
  5. There's some milk in the refrigerator, ___?
    a. isn't there
    b. isn't it
    c. wasn't it
  6. We don't need to go to the store today, ___?
    a. don't we
    b. do I
    c. do we
  7. Susan can bring some food, ___?
    a. won't she
    b. will she
    c. can't she
  8. The party starts at eight o'clock, ___?
    a. isn't it
    b. doesn't it
    c. does it
  9. The movie was very long, ___?
    a. isn't it
    b. wasn't it
    c. was it
  10. There's a dictionary on the shelf, ___?
    a. isn't it
    b. isn't there
    c. aren't there
  11. There's a lot of noise outside, ___?
    a. aren't there
    b. isn't there
    c. is there
  12. Mrs. Smith is sick, ___?
    a. isn't she
    b. is she
    c. wasn't she
  13. The dishes are dirty, ___?
    a. weren't they
    b. isn't they
    c. aren't they
  14. Steven won't be at the party, ___?
    a. won't he
    b. isn't he
    c. will he
  15. The math test was very difficult, ___?
    a. wasn't it
    b. isn't it
    c. weren't they
  16. We can go tomorrow, ___?
    a. won't we
    b. can we
    c. can't we
  17. I'm early, ___?
    a. isn't I
    b. aren't I
    c. are I
  18. This shirt is too big for me, ___?
    a. isn't it
    b. doesn't it
    c. does it
  19. Emily plays the piano well, ___?
    a. isn't it
    b. does she
    c. doesn't she
  20. Your neighbors went on vacation, ___?
    a. isn't they
    b. didn't they
    c. aren't they

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